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The Importance of 3D Modeling Services in the Construction Industry

Updated: Mar 14, 2023

3D Modeling technology aids in viewing 2D ideas from a 3-dimensional perspective. Besides that, it offers a plethora of benefits to industries such as construction. Even though a vast range of companies has successfully adopted automation, the construction industry is still one that is heavily reliant on manual methods of construction. This affords certain drawbacks for businesses as there is a greater scope of wastage.

Also, manual means of construction can potentially overshoot the actual budget by a significant amount. By introducing 3D Modeling Services in Sydney, the construction industry is now in a position to take advantage of better lead times, stability, safety and cost. Both architects and designers are given more flexibility to explore more creative solutions.

Pairing drone technology and 3D modeling services is also a viable way to keep a track of construction progress.

Find out more about the importance of 3D modeling services in the construction industry by reading this blog!

What is 3D Modeling?

3D modeling is a subcategory of CAD or Computer-aided design. A specific type of computer software is in 3D modeling used to create three-dimensional objects, shapes and surfaces far more efficiently. 3D modeling is often recognized as a precursor to 3D printing.

This software is applied in a variety of different ways but mostly for making or visualizing different parts of a construction. The individual reviewing designs can use this technology to communicate different types of materials and their dimensions. This can also be used for creating CNC (Computer Numerical Controlled) machine control paths as well, thus proving to be a useful tool in construction.

How does 3D Modeling work?

3D modeling involves manipulating an object's edges, vertices and polygons in a virtual space using 3D software. The designer can scan objects in the real world and recreate them digitally with the help of various data points. At the core of the 3D design is a mesh, otherwise described as a compendium of spatial points.

These points get integrated into the virtual grid, merging different polygonal shapes such as quads and triangles. Each of these points or vertices has its position on the grid. By linking the vertices on the grid a designer can create an object's surface. However, there are different approaches to creating 3DD models, as mentioned in the following;

Polygonal Modeling:

Linking the vertices by their line sections establishes a polygonal mesh. 3D models are often created as polygonal meshes given their flexibility and capacity for quick rendering. Either way, polygons are flat or planar and thus can create curved surfaces only.

  • Curve Modeling:

In 3D modeling, it is the curves that define the surface and the weighted points are used to influence these points. For instance, every curve in a digital design follows certain points to retain its shape. Increasing the weight at these points brings the curve closer to it. The types of curves used in 3D modeling include patches, splines, NURBS (Non-uniform rational B-spline) and geometric primitives.

  • Digital Modeling:

The latest approach to 3D modeling is known to be 3D sculpting. This can be divided into three categories; volumetric, displacement and dynamic tessellation. All of these methods afford more flexibility in terms of exploring the flexibility of artistic exploration. The high-resolution data of a fresh mash is added to the displacement and standard map information.

Importance of 3D Modeling in Construction

Previously, the architecture and construction industry used to employ actual architectural models to depict the proposed landscapes and buildings in the development. Today, 3D modeling software is being used to explain worksites, for instance, the designing of single-story and complex building structures.

More complex projects would include structures like arches and unique extensions recreated in 3D designing software. It can also be used to create 2D images by employing the 3D rendering process. Such capabilities make 3D modeling programs imperative for the construction industry.

Greater Mechanic Control

Opting for 3DD modeling affords more efficiency, cost-effectiveness and accuracy in machine control. For example; equipment like bulldozers, excavators and backhoes can be easily outfitted with a computer system and the buckets and blades used in GPS devices. This renders the communication between the receivers of these devices more seamless.

The references to GPS coordinates are integrated with the 3D model which is then uploaded to computers onboard the equipment enabling it to interact with the controls. The GPS device tracks the movement of the equipment in real-time, automatically adjusting the buckets and blades of the equipment following the surface elevation and excavation depths.

Communicates Site Layout

3D models are excellent for communicating suite layouts, this includes physical factors like landscaping features and utility equipment. An example of this would be mapping the location of electrical equipment such as slabs, connections for signs, light poles, kiosks, decorations etc.

With the help of a 3D model, the workmen at the site can set up these connections quickly and accurately. 3D mapping technology can also be employed to map the positioning of utilities such as wastewater, gutters, gas lines and water piping.

Realistic Visualization

3D modeling software has built in animation features that can prove extremely beneficial in visualizing projects. It can be utilized to provide virtual walkthroughs of conceptualized buildings and structures to provide clients with an idea of the overall layout. It can also effectively visualize the surrounding environment of a building structure and also fill it with the appropriate decor and furniture.

Reduces Lead Time, Costs and Errors

The introduction of 3D modeling software in the construction industry has enabled it to get work done more efficiently reducing the cost and time taken to complete a project. Projects can get off the ground 45% faster than 2D designs. This enables designers, architects and engineers to identify potential issues much sooner. Some features allow the user to rotate and view a design from all sides, and also enable them to infuse life into the entire plan.

Offers Timeliness and Conformance

The use of 3D models makes it possible to ensure that the construction work is proceeding on track. A comparison can be easily made between the current state of work and the projected structure to ensure consistency between the two.

Drones can be flown over the location of the site to quickly run a review by comparing the images with the 3D model and mapping. Drones use lidar technology to capture visual information and occasionally apply photogrammetry to acquire the proper color and texturing of the site. Drones afford a larger coverage and can quickly conduct safety checks and lidar scans of the construction site.


There is a variety of 3D modeling software now available to the construction industry. Some of this software require special training to operate, for instance, Revit architecture training in Sydney. Soon 3D modeling would evolve and include more features that further facilitate construction automation.

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